Want to build reactive Angular components? Do you have burning questions about testing?

Do you understand micro-frontends anti-patterns?

Get answers to all these topics and more with your EnterpriseNG 2021 All-Access Pass!


Gain access to all these training videos with your All-Access Pass:

  • Alex Rickabaugh | Engineering Scalable Angular Components
  • Alyssa Nicoll | Using Kendo UI to make your Angular App Shine
  • Bjarki Ágúst Guðmundsson | Eliminating XSS in Angular applications by adopting Trusted Types
  • Brian F Love & Mike Ryan | Achieving Highly Performant Angular Apps
  • Chengwei Lim | Demystify module federation, and deployment strategy on AWS
  • Deborah Kurata | Designing Reactive Angular Components (RxJS) 
  • Emma Twersky | Make your Angular Material components prettier and more accessible
  • Gleb Bahmutov & Andrae Ambrose | Answers to Your Burning Questions About Testing
  • Jennifer Wadella | Scaling Effective Angular Teams
  • Luca Mezzalira | Micro-frontends: anti-patterns
  • Manfred Steyer | Micro-Frontends with Module Federation: Beyond the Basics
  • Mark Thompson & Igor Minar | Keynote
  • Michael Hladky | Concurrent Mode in Angular - Non-blocking UIs at scale
  • Mink Gechev | Angular Performance Patterns
  • Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff | Maintainable Tests while maintaining Sanity
  • Shai Reznik | Testing RxJs observables effectively - “Look Ma, No Marbles!”
  • Stanimira Vlaeva | NoSQL Data Modeling for Front-end Developers
  • Taylor James Dolezal | Crafting Kubernetes with Functions - EKS and the CDK for Terraform

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